Walking Backwards: Tricking Our Way Forth
Saturday, September 14th at The Artichoke, 7:30PM.
2007 SE Powell Blv., Portland, Or.
Cows, feathers, a walk in the woods… throw in a trickster, or two. Sometimes the best path is not the straight forward (or the straight and narrow way). Situations arise, plots are hatched, are they enough? Come join our storytellers as they bring forth an evening of tales full of surprise, adventure, trickery and laughter to entertain and even sneak in a new bit of wisdom, or two.
Tellers: Brian Rohr, Juliana Person and Ken Iverson
During the early days of summer I am doing shows for those living in retirement living locations. Great people, always ready for a story, and with plenty of their own too.
I am wrapping up my last term as President of the Portland Storytellers' Guild. Planning for the Annual Meeting in late June, where the incoming officers will be welcomed by the PSG members.
I am thrilled to be one of six tellers that have been invited to share a story on opening night of the National Storytelling Networks Annual Conference in July at the Dumas Bay Conference Center. I am working on a very fun story for that evening.
I am available to be booked for shows. Both during the summer and it's also a good time to book shows for Halloween, Thanksgiving (Yes! There are great Thanksgiving stories!), and Christmas. These shows tend to be in high demand later in the year, put me on your calendar now and you're all set!
Happy Summer, enjoy the Sun, Trees, Ocean and Lakes.